Nhandinh Bongda 
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Nhandinh Bongda 
Вступила 11 месяцев назад
О пользователе
Doi voi nhung ban yeu va ham mo, ve bo mon bong da the thao cuong nhiet nay. Viec theo doi nhung tin tuc lien quan ve nhan dinh bong da la khong the thieu truoc moi tran dau bat dau. Du doan ve nhung ti so cung nhu ra san cua doi bong cua cac giai dau nhu: Anh, Y, Phap, Tay Ban Nha, Duc, Cup C1, Cup C2, World Cup, Viet Nam, Euro, Sea Game…voi nhan dinh bong da chinh xac len toi 80%.
Dia chi: Tran Xuan Soan, Tan Hung, Quan 7, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam
SDT: 0765533322
Hastag: #nhandinhbongda #nhandinhbongdaac #Nhandinhbongda
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